iPad Instruction and Student Use in the Classroom

PowerPoint (as PDF file) on the many uses of the iPad for student learning and use. I created this presentation and presented it  for an IUP educational methods class after I had experience working with iPads during student teaching.

iPad Presentation

*There is a variety of more information on student iPads, iTunes U, and the many uses of instructional techniques that can be used with this new technology. I will provide more information soon.

Socratic Seminar: How It’s Implemented in High School – KIPP Teacher

Great short video clip about how the socratic seminar can be used in Social Studies classes by students. A KIPP teacher describes how he implements this technique to get the most out of student learning. The socratic seminar gives students opportunity to use critical thinking skills in a positive environment by student discussion.

Socratic Seminar – How It is Used in High School